
Capabilities & Outcomes

Sarah has helped hundreds of clients through the years. Whether it’s leadership training, team building, or speaking at your next event, she brings it with enthusiasm, vision, and fun!

The following is a comprehensive list of services offered. Take a look and see what areas could be improved – or fixed – within your organization.

Instructor / Facilitator

Sarah is an expert at facilitating authentic conversations within teams to forward your organization’s purpose, vision, and values. And she’ll deliver it with high energy, enthusiasm and fun! Your teams will be excited, inspired, and motivated to rally behind your initiatives.

Event Speaker

Need to reignite your teams? Motivate or inspire them for a new launch? Give them that new employee enthusiasm? Sarah can provide that spark to reignite your people with enthusiasm and confidence, supporting your objectives, mission, and long-term vision.

Executive Coaching

Sarah provides 1:1 executive coaching to help you recognize blind spots. The ones you’re not aware of (but everyone else is). She delivers accountability and support to help you develop a personalized style of leadership. You’ll discover leadership practices that will leave a legacy.

Leadership Training

Michael Scott’s “world’s best boss” coffee mug isn’t needed – because you’ll learn the necessary skills to actually be the best boss! Effective leaders are well-respected because they exhibit integrity and courage, which leads to better production outcomes and engaged employees.

Team Building & Trust

Successful teams are built upon trust. When teams trust one another, they’re able to better navigate and adapt more consistently. When teams have trust and accountability, they tend to take more ownership and pride in their work, and are much stronger as a result.

Clear Communication

Clear communication consists of… “uhhh, you know, the thing, c’mon man, whatever.” Poor communication leads to confusion, inefficiencies, errors, frustration, distrust, and disengaged employees. Learning to communicate well is a soft skill that is essential to collaboration.

conflict Resolution

Considering today’s cancel culture, leaders need to effectively navigate conversations with opposing views – with respect and tact – while keeping facts, emotions, and feelings in appropriate check. As a result, new perspectives can be heard and equally valued, as outcomes improve.

Stress Management

Cheerios may provide a healthy heart, but it can’t help with stress. Stress affects all aspects of our life – from the workplace to home and beyond, it can impact everything, including your health. Learning practical methods to effectively manage it will give you the ability to function well.

Public Speaking

Public speaking is a great fear for many (75% of the population). Learn how to become a more effective speaker in a comfortable space to leverage your ability to speak with confidence and clarity to engage listeners – ultimately increasing your earning potential.

What to expect

To be challenged

Optimism, passion, commitment


High level of professionalism

Visionary thinking

Authenticity & transparency

Directness (no coddling)

Thought-provoking insight

Benchmarked results

Exciting learning environment

Outcomes & Benefits

More efficient workplace

Better communication

Higher workplace satisfaction

Improved moral

Improved employee retention

Greater influence

Healthier self-confidence

Promotions, increased salary

Improved respect

Enhanced team collaboration


Want to work with Sarah?

If you'd like to book Sarah for a special event, training seminar, or coaching engagement, reach out now for up-to-date availability.

Seed Dream took root (punny huh?) with the vision to help people see themselves and others differently through the potential of courage and positive change. Sarah lights up a room. She is sincere. She has the unique ability to encourage and help people realize their inherent capabilities are ready to flourish. Truly! Sarah is highly skilled at transforming stagnant and broken mindsets into healthy and courageous visionaries.

© 2025 Copyright Seed Dream LLC. All rights reserved. All content, images, and concepts may not be used without exclusive permission by Seed Dream. Branding & website design by Creativibe.

All components used in producing this site, services, and products were made in the United States of America and support our local economy.